Functions include Speedometer 0-999 kmh. or mph., trip meter 0-999,99 km or miles, total odometer 0-99.999 km or miles, trip time 0-99:99 hours, tachometer as numbers 0-20.000 rpm, tachometer as light bar 0-10.000 rpm and shift light 0-20.000 rpm. Includes a Reed wheel sensor with 1.5m cable for the speedometer function in custom applications, although the Motoscope is compatible with, and can be connected to, most stock speedo sensors that might already be in use on the bike. Calibrations are done when it is installed. Small threaded nuts are installed on rear side and mount brackets can be ordered separately. Dimensions: 59mm wide x 21.5mm high x 13mm deep. Weight 32 grams. - Polished. Note: With approval. Check your local MCS dealer or the MCS sales department for exact type of approval and validity on bike model and years on the test report.
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